Rightclick Here you can find a few hints on how to emulate Rightclick with a Touchscreen:


This Script makes the next touch to a Rightclick. You may set it to any Button on your Device, or an Icon in your WM. For this Script you need xorg-utils and expect.

pacman -Sy xorg-utils expect rightclick.sh:

bash -c 'xmodmap -e “pointer = 2 1”; unbuffer xinput test Touchscreen | ( grep -q -m 1 button && kill `pidof xinput` ); xmodmap -e “pointer = 1 2”' “Touchscreen” is the Touchscreen Device Name in your xorg.conf.

Thanks to: PaulFertser? from #openmoko, who had the idea and helped with the Script.

Tslib Rightclick Emulation

Install xf86-input-tslib-rightclick, you might uninstall xf86-input-tslib before:

pacman -R xf86-input-tslib && pacman -Sy xf86-input-tslib-rightclick Note: that this is not working yet.

Evtouch Rightclick

If you use evtouch as Touchscreen Driver its very simple. Evtouch has a Default Rightclick Gesture, which is called One-And-A-Half-Tap, which is like a double-click. See here: http://www.conan.de/touchscreen/libtouch.html

See http://www.archmobile.org/trac/wiki/AM/Configuration/X for how to use evtouch as Touchscreen Driver.

Note:…well, guess…Yes! It's not working yet ;)